2012年12月23日 星期日


  能夠全時間服事主,真的不容易,2011年進到新北市召會總執事室,才覺得全時間需要一種服事的心態,不是你能力夠就可以了,謝謝主,使我有機會經歷這些,我發現自己在許多有事上有了一些成長,許多時候的我在以前可能已經開始抱怨,但現在的我知道要順服,要配合了,雖然許多時候仍有許多的不完全,但相信主會繼續作工在我身上,使我生命更加成熟。   回到高雄去,希望有機會再到高雄市召會服事,以前的我落在黑暗中而不自知,現在主已把我救出,謝謝主的憐憫,我需要建立一種正常、正確、屬靈的習慣、心態,使我有機會更多盛裝基督,我一直希望自己能再學習更多的技能,為主作更多的事,雖然目前的狀態也很好,但我想要更好,更進一步的服事,我需要再進修,所以我很想去念研究所,也想去全時間訓練,不知道主會不會成就,什麼時候成就,我正在期待着。   眼看着年日一天一天的過去,主回來的日子愈來愈近,我的心到底什麼時候才會預愈好去訓練呢?我好希望我現在就預備好被提,作得勝者,糼年的呼召還在我心中,沒有忘記。主阿!求你為我開路,使我的心能預備好去訓練,在我回高雄工作的這段時間裏,不管是先訓練,或是先念研究所,都希望有主的安排,在主的心意中。阿們!

2011年3月11日 星期五

曾風聞有你 SOGO小排 20110310 115958




2011年2月17日 星期四

I never thought that God would be enjoyable.wmv

I never thought that God would be enjoyable,
And my experience of Him is indescribable;
When first I opened up my heart to Him,
He came in me and filled me to the brim.
O Lord, You're wonderful.
You're wonderful.
Jesus, Jesus.
I never sought Him nor I ever asked for Him.
Sometimes I wonder, am I in a heavenly dream;
I don't deserve Him, oh, a sinner like me,
My explanation, friends, it's just His mercy.
O Lord, Your mercy reached me.
Your mercy reached me.
Jesus, Jesus.
My friends they tell me,
"Don't be too much for Him."
"Just be so normal and not go to the extreme."
But I can't help it, there is no one like Him.
His love has touched me, so I now have meaning.
O Lord, Your love has touched me.
Your love has wrecked me.
Jesus, Jesus.
My every moment is to live unto You.
In everything dear Lord,
You must now break through.
I'm just a vessel, You're my treasure within.
O Lord, keep spreading in my entire being
By calling, O Lord Jesus,
That name most precious.
Jesus, Jesus.
And now I'm waiting for Your coming again.
Lord, keep me faithful to You unto the end.
To see You face to face on that great day,
'Tis my desire that I'd go all the way.
O Lord, You're coming soon.
O lovely Bridegroom.
Jesus, Jesus.

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